Mental health issues can run the gamut from temporary bouts of sadness or anxiety to severe, life-altering conditions. When should one seek professional help? A key factor lies in the severity and persistence of symptoms. If emotions like extreme sadness, fear, or anxiety are so intense that they’re interfering with your life quality, Dr Alan Emamdee states that it’s time to seek professional help.

Obsession With Death Or Thoughts Of Suicide

Thoughts about death or suicide are not a normal stress response and should always be taken seriously. Anyone experiencing these thoughts should seek professional help immediately. National suicide prevention helplines are available 24/7 as immediate resources.

Self-Isolation And Withdrawal

When mental health issues start to isolate you from others—whether by your design or because friends and family feel unable to connect with you—it’s a clear sign that it’s time to seek external help. Social connections are essential for mental well-being, and their absence can exacerbate mental health issues Dr Alan Emamdee.

Harmful Behaviors

If harmful behaviors manifest due to your emotional state – such as overuse of alcohol or drugs, self-harm, harmful dieting, or recklessness – it’s crucial to enlist professional help as soon as possible. These behaviors often signal an attempt to cope with overwhelming feelings.

Unexplained Physical Ailments

Many mental health issues showcase themselves through physical ailments like chronic fatigue, unexplained aches and pains, or significant changes in sleeping or eating patterns. These symptoms could be signs of an underlying mental health issue that needs to be addressed professionally.

Decreased Performance In Work Or School

A significant decline in your work performance or school grades, particularly if out of character, could indicate a mental health issue. If you find it challenging to concentrate, remember things, or make decisions, these could be signs of a mental health condition.

Feeling Stuck

Finally, you might feel that you’re stuck in an unending cycle of negativity or hopelessness and that things will never improve. Such feelings could render you unable to cope with everyday life, signaling that you may need professional help Dr Alan Emamdee.